Cara install microsoft office 2010 tanpa product key
  1. Microsoft Office 2010 Product Key Free
  2. Free Microsoft 2010 Product Key
  3. How To Install Microsoft Office 2010 For Free

How to Manually Activate Microsoft Office 2010: Follow the simple following steps to and make it genuine without using any Cracks or Software. The following notes are based on using Ms. Office Word, but any other Office 2010 application can be used (phone activation takes less than 2 minutes). Disconnect internet, and start Word. If the activation window appears close it. Go to menu File, Help, Change Product Code, and then enter key: 828CH-G4FPY-HMH4R-32GCK-6D9BH -or- 3W3MQ-H7M6X-3WYP7-TPCH6-8G8T2 04.

Untick the 'Activate over internet' box at the bottom, and click 'Next'. In the window that appears click 'Install'. When finished the Install process, close word an then reopen Word. An activation window will appear (if not, go to menu File, Help, Activate). Select the 'Phone Activation' option, and click 'Next'. Pick your country, then ring the number and follow the instructions.

When asked for your ID, input the code given in the Word activation window. When asked which edition, choose business/volume use, used only on 1 pc. A code will be given back, and enter the code into the activation box. Click 'Next', and Office will say that it's permanently activated. Close Word (and any other Office 2010 application). Restart Word, and go to Help to check the subscription status. Now your Micorosft Office 2010 is Geniune and fully Activated!

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Note: - If you don't get the automated system when calling then phone back in the evening or Sunday. If you are put trough to an operator then just lie and they give you the code. If you had used a kms activator previously for 180 day activation then just use the same activator to uninstall the kms process and any scheduled reactivation.

Microsoft Office 2010 Product Key Free

You don’t need to deactivate Office. Cara Manual Aktifkan Microsoft Office 2010: Ikuti langkah-langkah sederhana berikut secara manual Aktifkan Microsoft Office 2010 dan membuatnya asli tanpa menggunakan Retak atau Software.

Catatan berikut ini didasarkan pada menggunakan Ms Office Word, tetapi setiap aplikasi Office 2.010 lainnya dapat digunakan (aktivasi telepon membutuhkan waktu kurang dari 2 menit). Putus internet, dan memulai Word. Jika jendela aktivasi muncul menutupnya.

Pergi ke menu File, Bantuan, Ubah Kode Produk, dan kemudian masukkan kunci: 828CH -G4FPY -HMH4R - 32GCK -6D9BH -atau - 3W3MQ -H7M6X -3WYP7 - TPCH6 -8G8T2 04. Untick 'Aktifkan melalui internet ' kotak di bagian bawah, dan klik 'Next'. Pada jendela yang muncul klik 'Install'. Setelah selesai proses Install, kata dekat dengan kemudian membuka kembali Word. Sebuah jendela akan muncul aktivasi (jika tidak, pergi ke menu File, Bantuan, Aktifkan). Pilih 'Phone Activation' pilihan, dan klik 'Next'.

Pilih negara Anda, kemudian menelepon nomor tersebut dan ikuti petunjuk. Ketika ditanya untuk, masukan ID kode yang diberikan di jendela aktivasi Word. Ketika ditanya edisi mana, memilih bisnis / volume penggunaan, digunakan hanya pada 1 pc.

Kode akan diberikan kembali, dan masukkan kode ke dalam kotak aktivasi. Klik 'Next', dan Office akan mengatakan bahwa itu diaktifkan secara permanen.

Tutup Word ( dan setiap aplikasi Office 2.010 lainnya). Restart Word, dan pergi untuk Membantu untuk memeriksa status langganan.

Free Microsoft 2010 Product Key

Sekarang Office 2010 adalah Micorosft Anda Geniune dan sepenuhnya Activated!

Cara install microsoft office 2010 tanpa product key

How To Install Microsoft Office 2010 For Free

I recieved a new Toshiba laptop along with a product key for Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010 today, but my computer was preloaded with Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007. The product key was purchased with the idea that 2010 was preloaded on the machine and therefore I do not own the disks required to install it myself. Is there a way I could possibly download a version of 2010 and use my product key to activate it or am I stuck? Thanks in advance, Michael Stefan Blom, Microsoft Word MVP Stefan Blom Microsoft Word MVP Volunteer Moderator (MVP program information: