This movie came out when I was 8 and I loved it then and I love it now. Yes, I was a huge fan of the pokemon tv show and that may have skewed my opinion on it. BUT I recently watched it with a date. I haven't seen it in years and my date hasn't seen it EVER. We both fell in love with the characters and enjoyed the story. Mewtwo is probably to perfect villain. He had a great background story and had a reason to his mayhem.
But he also learned a lesson in the end and can really be a lesson everyone can relate to. There's one scene in the film, without giving any spoilers, where I cry every time I watch it and, if you watched the tv show, you would too. I can understand why someone who isn't into the show could just tune out of this movie, but I believe this film deserves a higher score on this website.
Atlease for the great story and great script. To the critics who gave this film a rotten score, please give this movie another watch, I think if you watch it with an open mind you can respect and may even enjoy this film.
Also the short film before it is freakin adorable. ½ Unless you are a fan of the show or a child, this movie is not going to do anything to broaden your horizons about the Pokemon TV show. The plot is essentially an extended episode with bland characters, cheesy dialogue (complete with cringe-worthy humor), and an ending that essentially turns the whole affair into a shaggy dog story. Even as a kid I forgot about this movie in a matter of two weeks, the only aspect of the film that stuck with me was the villain Mewtwo, and that is only because he looks cool.
Release of the film, the distributors try to instill a'fighting is wrong' message that is almost hilariously squeezed into the film's climax. The message is ironic coming from a show in which humans force monsters fight each other in every episode. Not only that, but the movie essentially hits the reset button in the end, erasing the characters recollection of the film's events. The Japanese version of the movie is no better, except they develop Mewtwo's character more in a prologue that was deleted in U.S. Theatrical release.
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The prologue traces Mewtwo's origins, and it is actually a pretty interesting film-within-a-film that only exemplifies Mewtwo's wasted potential. Overall, an incredibly bland animated feature that only existed to sell products.