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RealTracks Patches & Updates for Windows. About the updates - read before downloading You can use these patches regardless of which Band-in-a-Box package and version you have. Only those RealTracks sets that you already have installed in your selected destination directory will be updated.

You don't need to install ALL the RealTracks updates - only those with the same or newer version year than your version would apply to you. Updates from the previous years are already included in your package. Some patches have a separate larger Audiophile edition patch.

Audiophile users can install the regular patches, or you may wish to download the larger patch which will update the uncompressed audio files if needed. Make sure to select the correct location of your Band-in-a-Box, RealTracks, and RealDrums ('Drums') folders or the files won't be updated. If you have the program installed on your computer hard drive, the folder locations are usually C: bb.

If you are running the program from an external USB hard drive that you purchased from PG Music, the locations are normally X: bb (replace 'X' by your USB drive letter). This patch includes some RealTracks audio updates we have made since the release of Band-in-a-Box 2018.


2018 users should be sure to download the latest Band-in-a-Box 2018 update patch, as that patch includes the bulk of the fixes for RealTracks released with 2018. A number of wave files are updated, so people with the 'Audiophile' hard drive version can instead download the Audiophile patches: (1900 MB) (1400 MB) (1400 MB). Summary of Changes for June 18, 2018. Improved: There were small issues with the tuning of several Bass styles. This has been fixed for both the original mix and the direct input mix.

This affects the following RealTracks: Bass, Acoustic, AmericanaSlow16thsByron Ev16 060 Bass, Acoustic, AmericanaSlow128Byron Sw 040 Bass, Acoustic, RockabillySwingByron Sw 190 Bass, Acoustic, BluesyPopByron Ev 100. Improved: Audio glitches have been removed from the ends of phrases in the Vocal Oohs and Aahs RealTracks.

Last updated June 18, 2018. This patch includes RealTracks and MIDI SuperTracks updates we have made since the previous March 22 patch. The files updated are largely those that were released with Band-in-a-Box 2017, although there are updates to some earlier ones as well. If you want to download a cumulative patch that includes all updates since the release of Band-in-a-Box 2017, (1200 MB). A number of wave files are updated, so people with the 'Audiophile' hard drive version can instead download the audiophile patches as needed: (1800 MB) (500 MB) (400 MB). Summary of Changes for July 18, 2017. Improved: The following RealTracks and MIDI SuperTracks have had the option for a 'Simple' arrangement added.

Now these RealTracks will play without embellishment when the Simple option is selected in the RealTracks picker. This is a cumulative patch that includes updates for RealTracks released with Band-in-a-Box 2017, and updates/additions to the Shots and Holds library. If you only want the newest updates since the last patch issued Feb 23 2017, (80 MB). A number of wave files are updated, so people with the 'Audiophile' hard drive version can instead download the audiophile patches as needed: (1800 MB) (500 MB). Summary of Changes for March 22, 2017. Fixed: Many electric guitar styles, when using the DI versions, would have very loud shots and holds.

These are now balanced. Fixed / Improved / Added: Entire Library of regular and DI Shots and Holds has been re-tested, and there have been many fixes. This includes adding new Shots and Holds for instruments that previously didn't have them, reassigning instruments to more appropriate Shots and Holds, and fixing some issues with incorrect chords. Fixed: Notation for all songs from 'Artist Performance Set 3 - Celtic Fiddle Tunes' is much more accurate. Fixed: Some Waltz style RealDrums were not playing correctly. The kick drum should always play before the snare. Fixed: Endings for Piano, Acoustic, HeldChords 060.

Fixed: Minor seventh chords on Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopBalladClean Ev 085. Fixed: SONGBRD style mistakenly had an extra acoustic guitar on the soloist track. Fixed: Misc typos in the RealTracks Picker. Summary of Changes for Feb 23, 2017. Improved: Riff selection for RealTrack Guitar, Electric, Soloist TrainBeatBrent12-key Ev16 090. Fixed: RealTracks audition solo demo for RT#2682.

This patch includes RealTracks updates completed during 2016, prior to the release of Band-in-a-Box 2017. If you purchased the Band-in-a-Box 2017 Everything/Ultra/audiophile, you don't need this patch as the fixes are included. Dell drivers update utility keygen.

A summary of the fixes and improvements is listed below. Some audio files are updated in this patch, so users with the audiophile HD version can instead download (700 MB). Fixed: Some incorrect Shots assignments. Fixed: Timing issues with 'Banjo, Tenor, Rhythm DixielandFastA-B Sw 165' have been fixed, meaning the playing should fit much better with the other Dixieland RealTracks. Improved: The RealDrum Styles ShakerCelticEv16 and ShakerEven8ths have had the groove improved so the rhythm sounds more natural.

The endings have also been improved. Fixed: The variations for BossaTerryClarke have been fixed to correctly describe the substyles being used. Improved: RealCharts have been added/improved for the following RealTracks: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Punk Ev 165 Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PunkHeldPlus Ev 165 Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PunkMuted Ev 165 Bass, Electric, PunkFuzzPickedQuarters Ev 165 Bass, Electric, PunkFuzzPicked8ths Ev 165 Bass, Electric, PunkFuzzPickedA-B Ev 165 Bass, Electric, RockPickedQuarters Ev 165 Bass, Electric, RockPicked8ths Ev 165 Bass, Electric, RockPickedA-B Ev 165.

Fixed: Several Bass RealTracks have been remastered to improve the sound quality and remove clicks and hiss. Bass, Acoustic, BossaRon Ev 140 Bass, Acoustic, CelticSlipJig Sw 110 Bass, Acoustic, GypsyJazzFast Sw 250 Bass, Acoustic, JazzBalladRonA-B Sw 085 Bass, Acoustic, JazzSwingRonA-B Sw 140. Fixed: Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzFreddie Sw 110 was not playing endings properly when a simple option was selected. Fixed: Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzFreddie Sw 110 had a simple arrangement enabled but none was available. Fixed: Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Hank Sw 120 was sometimes playing incorrect chords. Fixed: Bass, Acoustic, BossaRon Ev 140 had some chords dropping out.

Band In A Box Review

Fixed: Piano, Acoustic, HeldChords 120 and Piano, Electric, HeldChords 120 were not playing compulsory chords as expected. Fixed: Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment FolkPopPrairie Ev 100 was missing some transcription data. Fixed: Horn Section, Background JazzSwing2PartJack Sw 140 some bars had #4 in a 7th chord. Last updated Nov 30, 2016. This patch includes all RealTracks updates since Band-in-a-Box 2016 was released.

A summary of the fixes and improvements is listed below. Some audio files are updated in this patch, so users with the audiophile HD version can instead download (1300 MB). Improved: Crooner Big Band RealTracks are enhanced, and the RealCharts are now fully accurate.

Added: Crooner Big Band - Nine individual horn section RealTracks have been added. Added: New shots and holds databases 306-338 have been added. Fixed: Two of the Oberkrainer MelodicOldWorld Trumpet individual track horn sections didn't work properly. Improved: BoomChickaSw^ Drums improved. Fixed: BodhranTradSlipjig Drums was not working. Added: Added Drums Demos (BB songs) and RealDrums Demos Audio for all Drums in these sets: Surf Rock, Retro Synths, Jazz Drums, Straight Ahead Funk, Swingin Funk, Praise Break, Country Brushes, Celtic Percussion, 49PAK RealTracks. Added: Added RealTracks solo and band audition files for many RealTracks: Punk, Retro Synths, Jazz-Rock Guitar, Funk Bass, Blues Baritone, Jazz Background Horns, Country Blues Rock, Bent-note Piano, Oberkrainer.

Added: Improved RealStyles and RealStyle Demos (.SGU) for many RealTracks: Funk Bass, Retro Synths, Punk, Funk, Blues Baritone, Jazz Background Horns, Bent-note Piano, Oberkrainer, 49PAK styles. Added: Added some new RealStyles and demos for Country Blues Rock, Country Brushes, and 49PAK RealTracks. Last updated December 10, 2015. This is a general maintenance patch for RealTracks, RealDrums, and MIDI SuperTracks. It includes all of the recent fixes and enhancements that we've made to files shipped in 2014 and 2015. Some of the main fixes are listed below.

There are also enhancements to most shots and holds files to allow them to work as held styles. Some audio files are updated in this patch, so users with the audiophile HD version can instead download (900 MB). Improved: Enhancements have been made to existing shots & holds in RealTracks: When entering holds in Band-in-a-Box, guitar RealTracks will now play holds in a more musical way, with strums that lead into the beat. Many more RealTrack can now be designated as 'Held' styles (a new feature in Band-in-a-Box 2015) when picking them in the RealTracks picker. For example, if there is a guitar RealTrack you really like, but you'd like it to just play held chords rather than a rhythmic part. Unique, individual 'Held' RealTracks can be created from existing RealTracks in the Soloist Editor. Individual RealTracks can be specified as 'Held' in Band-in-a-Box styles (.sty files) Here is a Band-in-a-Box generated demo of Holds 105 that demonstrates the effectiveness of this.

This.SGU cycles through shots/holds chords: maj, min, m7b5, and dominant 7, playing each chord in the key of A, C, D, E, and G. Fixed: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopShiningGritty Ev 120 Direct Input: Some Direct Input audio data was missing. Fixed: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryDrivin8ths Ev 150 Direct Input: Endings in Direct Input version didn't work properly.

Fixed: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SmoothJazzPoppy Ev16 090: support for minor 7th endings. Fixed: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Soul70sBrightA-B Ev16 100: some major chords playing incorrectly. Fixed: Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist GypsyJazzWaltzJohn Sw 200 improved RealCharts with better phrasing. Fixed: 12 RealTracks, general maintenance updates (mega and pro had slightly older versions). Fixed: RealTracks Set 217 - Jazz Pollwinners 8: Misc improvements. Soloists are now correctly placed and some new styles/demos have been added. Fixed: RealTracks Set 219: New realstyle added.

Fixed: RealTracks Set 220, 222: Some styles and demos improved. Fixed: Bass, Acoustic, Bluegrass Doc Ev 100; fixed dropouts during playback. Fixed: RealTracks Set 221: missing demo file. Fixed: RealTracks Set 225: fixed incorrect demo names. Fixed: RealTracks Set 227: Style preview added for CBALDBR.wma. Fixed: RealTracks Set 226: Now has RealStyles available, including SGU and preview demos. Fixed: Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming BluegrassWaltz Ev 140: fixed dropouts during playback.

Fixed: Fiddle, Background Pop16ths Ev 085 (regular and outside): Simple arrangement was causing problems and has been disabled; riff selection is improved. Fixed: Some Country2Beat^ and CountryEven8 RealDrums Demo Audio files were misnamed. Fixed: Shots and holds now work properly with Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm GypsyFolk Sw 190, Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist GypsyJazzQuinn Sw 190, and Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm FunkyFolk Ev16 110. Fixed: Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Acc PopVancouver Ev 100 was previously playing Jazz chords when Pop chords were entered. Fixed: Some Holds files were crashing the Audiophile version. Fixed: RealTracks Set 211 - BOGG70S demo had incorrect.sty assigned. Fixed: Some Rockabilly shots and holds were not working properly.

Fixed: Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RockabillyRockNRollKevin Ev 165 (Soft LH) did not include the correct audio files so the softer left hand was not heard properly. Fixed: RealTracks Set 211 - RealDrums Demos Audio MotownFunkyTriplets files were missing. Last updated April 14, 2015. This is an entirely optional zip download. It is mainly to benefit customers who use Band-in-a-Box on an offline computer (e.g. A studio computer that isn't connected to the internet). With some of the style demo functions (for example, double-clicking on a style in the StylePicker), Band-in-a-Box will search online if it doesn't find the demo on your local hard disk.

There are a few reasons why you might not have a particular demo on your local disk; perhaps you don't own that style but still want to audition it, or maybe you ordered a download-only copy of the program. We have provided two ways you can get the files, you can either download the full 6.5 GB set of demo files as a single zip, or you can download the smaller separate zip below. How to Install the Style Demos: The zip file has two folders: 'Style Demos Audio' and 'RealDrums Demos Audio'. Simply unzip the file and copy/merge those two folders INTO your RealTracks Data folder. So for example if you kept the default install location for Band-in-a-Box you will have these two folders, each with a bunch of WMA files in it: C: bb RealTracks Data Style Demos Audio C: bb RealTracks Data RealDrums Demos Audio You can download one or more of the smaller zip files below, if you don't need the full set. NOTE: You don't need to download both the full set AND these ones!.

Last updated January 23, 2015. This is a general maintenance patch for RealTracks, RealDrums, and MIDI SuperTracks. It includes all of the recent fixes and enhancements that we've made to files shipped in 2013 and 2014. Some of the main fixes are listed below. A larger audiophile patch is not needed, since no audio files are updated with this patch. We've also added 'Simple' variations to hundreds more previously released RealTracks. Improved: The RealCharts for the RealTracks style have been enhanced, with greater accuracy as well as indication of bent notes.

Improved: The MIDI data for MIDI SuperTracks: Piano, Rhythm CountrySwing Sw 08 Piano, Rhythm CountryBoogie Sw 110 Piano, Rhythm CountryBoogie Sw 140 Piano, Rhythm CountrySwing Sw 110 Piano, Rhythm CountrySwing Sw 140 Piano, Rhythm CountryWaltz Sw 085 Piano, Rhythm CountryWaltz Sw 110 Piano, Rhythm CountryWaltz Sw 140 Piano, Rhythm MemphisSwing Sw 190 These had extra notes and overlapping MIDI data. This has been corrected so when the MIDI SuperTrack is played extra notes will no longer be heard and the volume of the track will stay consistent. Fixed: The RealTrack sometimes played a minor ending a step lower than requested. Fixed: The RealCharts for the RealTracks style did not previously disply at all. They now display for notation and TAB.

Band In A Box Demo

Fixed: The RealTrack sometimes played a turn-around pattern in the middle of a 12-bar blues progression. Fixed: The RealTrack sometimes played a turn-around pattern in the middle of a 12-bar blues progression. Fixed: The RealTrack sometimes played a turn-around pattern in the middle of a 12-bar blues progression. Fixed: The RealTrack sometimes played a turn-around pattern in the middle of a 12-bar blues progression. Fixed: The RealTrack sometimes played a turn-around pattern in the middle of a 12-bar blues progression. Fixed: The RealTrackS, and sometimes played a turn-around pattern in the middle of a 12-bar blues progression. Fixed: The RealTrack sometimes played a turn-around pattern in the middle of a 12-bar blues progression.

Fixed: The RealTrack sometimes played a turn-around pattern in the middle of a 12-bar blues progression. Fixed: The RealTrack sometimes played a turn-around pattern in the middle of a 12-bar blues progression. Fixed: The RealTrack sometimes played a turn-around pattern in the middle of a 12-bar blues progression, and not playing some slash chords properly. Fixed: For RealTracks Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopUpliftSyncMuted Ev16 120, Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopUpliftSyncDistorted Ev16 120 and Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopUpliftSyncA-B Ev16 120 the A and B variations were not being implemented correctly. Now when an A section or B section is selected, only that variation will play.

Improved: The RealTrack now has a better variety of major and minor triad bars available. Fixed: Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Waltz Sw 110 was previously playing incorrect long held notes in the middle of songs. It also now has a greater variety of ending. Improved: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RootsRockTremolo Ev 100 Several riffs included an incorrect chord. These incorrect riffs have been removed.

Improved: The RealDrums JazzBrushesWaltz will no longer select improper patterns when played at a tempo of 85 BPM. The playing should now be continuous throughout. Improved: The RealTracks style Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PopWaltz Ev 180 now has correct notation data. Improved: The RealTracks style Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 120 now has better sounding endings. Fixed: The RealTrack sometimes played maug chord (minor augmented) instead of m chord (minor).

Fixed: The RealTrack was playing at the wrong tempo. Improved: The RealTrack now has more accurate RealCharts. Improved: The RealTrack was previously playing out of time, this issue has been fixed.

Improved: The RealTrack was previously playing endings instead of normal chords in some instances. This has been fixed.

Fixed: The RealTrack was previously playing an F chord instead of an E chord in some instances. Simple variations have been added to many more previously released RealTracks. For example:. The simple version of Guitar, 12-String Electric, Fingerpicking Ev 085 excludes melodic runs and complex rhythms. In the demo, complex chords are reduced from approximately 13 per minute to 0. The simple version of Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopRockWaltzPulsingA-B Ev 140 omits riffs that deviate from the basic pattern. In the demo, complex chords are reduced from approximately 42 per minute to 0.

The simple version of Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Syncopated Sugar Ev 102 omits riffs with arpeggios and chords that deviate from the basic pattern. In the demo, complex chords are reduced from approximately 28 per minute to 0. The simple version of Guitar, Nylon, Chet Train Ev 130 excludes riffs with high notes and complex rhythms. In the demo, complex chords are reduced from approximately 18 per minute to 0.

The simple version of Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PopWaltz Ev 120 excludes riffs with melodies and complex rhythms. In the demo, complex chords are reduced from approximately 23 per minute to 0. The simple version of Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking CelticAir Ev 085 excludes chords with complex harmonies and rhythms. In the demo, complex chords are reduced from approximately 23 per minute to 0.

The simple version of Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking CelticSlowWaltz Ev 100 excludes chords with complex harmonies and rhythms. In the demo, complex chords are reduced from approximately 30 per minute to 0. The simple version of Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PopWaltz Ev 085 excludes riffs with melodies and complex rhythms. In the demo, complex chords are reduced from approximately 28 per minute to 0. The simple version of Piano, Rhythm BritBluesInvasionJohn Ev 120 excludes melodic riffs, trills, and complex rhythms. In the demo, complex chords are reduced from approximately 19 per minute to 0.

The simple version of Piano, Rhythm CountryBalladJohn Ev 065 excludes riffs that deviate from the basic rhythm and melodic riffs. In the demo, complex chords are reduced from approximately 15 per minute to 0. The simple version of Organ, RhythmNoBass Bossa Ev 085 (MIDI SuperTrack) omits the treble organ sounds, making it more suitable for accompaniment.

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The simple version of Organ, RhythmNoBass Bossa Ev 140 (MIDI SuperTrack) omits the treble organ sounds, making it more suitable for accompaniment. The simple version of Organ, RhythmNoBass Jazz Sw 140 (MIDI SuperTrack) omits the treble organ sounds, making it more suitable for accompaniment. In the demo, complex chords are reduced from approximately 30 per minute to 0. The simple version of Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasBluesRockShuffleBrent Sw 130 excludes melodic riffs and complex rhythms. In the demo, complex chords are reduced from approximately 16 per minute to 0.

The simple version of Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasBluesRockShuffleSol Sw 130 excludes melodic riffs and complex rhythms. In the demo, complex chords are reduced from approximately 14 per minute to 0. The simple version of Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasBluesRockStraightBrent Ev 120 excludes melodic riffs and complex rhythms. In the demo, complex chords are reduced from approximately 14 per minute to 0.and many more. Last updated April 15, 2014. This will update any of your previously installed RealTracks, if necessary, to the latest versions that have Simpler variations. There is a column in the RealTracks Picker that shows whether a Simpler variation is available.

Note that if you already have the Band-in-a-Box 2013 UltraPlus or EverythingPAK, you don't need this patch. Also, if you update Band-in-a-Box regularly, you likely don't need the patch, since most of these RealTracks have been shipping for some time. It is of course ok to install the patch in any case, if you are unsure. Install this patch to your Band-in-a-Box folder (usually C: bb), and make sure to select the correct RealTracks folder.

Band in a Box 2017 Band in a Box 2017, The most complete MIDI music arranger software to playing songs without the musician (soloist). The software allows a solo musician to play a song with a computer-generated accompaniment with custom chord progressions, different musical styles, adjustable key, and adjustable tempo. Band in a Box allows the creation of background instrument for almost any different background styles.

In addition, you can also create and edit your own styles from existing MIDI files, import a style from a MIDI file, and generates a complete professional-quality arrangement of strings, guitar, piano, bass, drums, and horns. What’s New in Band in a Box 2017: Band-in-a-Box ® 2017 for Windows has over 80 exciting new features and enhancements! The main screen GUI has been redesigned with many requested improvements, including a new, smaller footprint, configurable toolbars, and more. RealTracks sound better than ever with improved stretching and transposition quality (Elastique 3), better phrase transitions, and Natural Arrangements. We have added new “Woodshedding” RealTracks called 12-Key Guitar RealTracks from Brent Mason played in 12 keys with Hi-Q (precise) Tab/Notation which is ideal for studying and learning. There are many RealDrums enhancements including Half/Double/Triple time, Multiple Drum/Percussion/Loops on one drum track, and more. There is a dedicated Song Titles Browser with metadata info on over 8,000 popular songs.

UserTracks enhancements include Half/Double/Triple time, rests, 3/4 waltz support, and more. We’ve added a new VST Synthesizer (sforzando SFZ Synth) with support for the popular.SFZ sound format, as well as PG Music’s Hi-Q sounds and more!

System Requirements:–.