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When Wendy Christensen has a vision of an accident on the roller coaster, resulting in her and her friends' deaths, she instantly begins to panic and gets off the ride, causing a few of her friends to get off as well. The remaining friends, including Wendy's boyfriend, are stuck on the roller coaster and find themselves involved in the accident. With death waiting around the corner, Wendy and Kevin Fischer must try and work out death's plan, before they and the remaining survivors end up dead. Trivia The home improvement store scene was mostly shot in an actual store. They were only allowed to film after the store was closed and had to leave the store the exact way they found it. While different parts of the scene were being filmed, other crew members were often putting objects back on the shelves.

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In addition, they had to turn objects around to hide brand names, bring in other brand names, and put things in the way to block names from appearing due to the store not wanting their name or products being associated with a 'teen death movie'. I am a Final Destination fan, and could not wait till this movie came out, and it was NOT a let down. Excellent scenes, excellent storyline, and new and unusual ways to die makes this an excellent addition to the first two. I gave this a 9 star rating because I felt they could have focused a little more on the premonition side of the story, (it was made so important in the first two), and I almost expected to see our two survivors from the 2nd movie in this one,.I think that would have been a great addition., on the other hand, I was extremely pleased and say it is definitely a must see for any Final Destination fan, or anyone who enjoys a great trilogy that keeps you on the edge of your seat waiting to see what might happen next!!