We had a Spore thread back in '11, so I decided to make a new one. I'm not going to include the spin-offs/Dark Spore unless someone can make a write-up for them, as I never played them. The Main Set: BSPORE/B IMGOh how you changed. Adobe acrobat free download. It was originally shown as a more mature, 'hardcore' game. At E3 when it was revealed we followed the adventures of the 'Willosaur' as it went from a cell, to a fish, and onward. For some reason though many things got removed, such as blood, body dragging, and the fish stage.
Now the game is more kid-like, but still fun, but some people still want the E3 version of the game, including myself. Put simply, you start as a cell, who for reasons unknown was within an asteroid hurtling towards a planet of your choice. You advance through five stages, in order they are: Cell - Creature - Tribe - Civilization - Space. The space stage is the true beef of the game, with the most content, as the game can use everything created and uploaded by players in every stage after the cell stage. BCreepy & Cute /B IMGThis was the first of two part packs, and the one that you can still get. It adds, according to the box, more than 60 new parts, each of which are, you guessed it, creepy or cute.
BExoskeleton Limbs/B This one isn't really as much a parts pack as a patch, added during one of the patches, it added exoskeleton and skeletal limbs, it's free as per the fact that its a patch. B Galactic Adventures /BIMGGalactic Adventures oh how I love thee. It didn't add much in terms of new parts or stages, instead it added something to the space stage. With this expansion installed you can outfit your captain with weapons and armor, and take on missions on planets. This enhances the space stage ever so slightly, although I haven't seen many amazing player made adventures.
BBot Parts /B IMGOne of Maxis/EA's ways of giving us the finger. In 2011 and 2010, maybe a bit before, you could get a code in Dr Pepper to unlock robot parts for your creatures. Now you cannot get them, and it contained the next patch, as such we haven't gotten any other patches, making this a paid patch, and the last one. The patch can be downloaded URL='I don't know if it would be installed differently on steam. BMods/B Okay, now you know all of the packs, so lets get to two mods that help the game in my opinion. BPlatinum Spore /BURLThis one I don't fully understand, from what I've noticed it appears to fix a lot of problems and add a LOT of content to the space stage. It also seems to make the creature stage herds bigger.
BDark Injection/B videoURLURLThis one needs Galactic Adventures, personally I recommend installing Creepy & Cute if you have it, and get the bot parts installed with Galactic Adventures for the best experience. QUOTE=IrishBandit;40286370Space stage was such a letdown, constant pirate attacks and ecological disasters, boring AI./QUOTE I never understood why your planets seemed unable to defend themselves from a bunch of pirates or whatever.
In the early days it makes sense I guess, but it seems like after a period of time you'd reach a point where you'd have a small planetary defense force so you wouldn't have to call up Captain Space Ace to fly halfway across the galaxy to fend off a bunch of people stealing spice. That'd actually make a cool bit of background management for the space phase on top of scouting and trading; personalizing your armada and maintaining some kind of defense force for your colonies.
It's a still a fun game overall, but it was definitely cut down and some parts would really have excelled had they been longer or more fleshed out. This video killed me: video=youtube;IiaXyNrUChII watched it (and the parts that follow) probably 20 or 30 times before Spore's release. Obsessing over it. During that time they basically took a knife to it and cut out all the good bits. I obsessed over something that was never going to happen.
If the game in the video (or one like it) ever gets released I will buy two copies. I remember Will Wright saying something along the lines of 'At one point our team was split into two groups, the scientific side and the cute side. I think we ended up with a nice balance between the two.'
No you didn't. Still bought Spore and played it.
If I had never seen that video I would have had an awesome time. Do any expansions/mods make it better? I would pay a few hundred bucks to get that demo version Mr Wright was playing there. editlineapril/editline I just watched the video again.
The positive reactions from the audience generally comes from things they took out of the game (excluding maybe the space stage, but I think they didn't butcher that too badly in the final release in my opinion). QUOTE=Archimedes;40286430I never understood why your planets seemed unable to defend themselves from a bunch of pirates or whatever. In the early days it makes sense I guess, but it seems like after a period of time you'd reach a point where you'd have a small planetary defense force so you wouldn't have to call up Captain Space Ace to fly halfway across the galaxy to fend off a bunch of people stealing spice. That'd actually make a cool bit of background management for the space phase on top of scouting and trading; personalizing your armada and maintaining some kind of defense force for your colonies. It's a still a fun game overall, but it was definitely cut down and some parts would really have excelled had they been longer or more fleshed out./QUOTE yeah it basically made the gameplay extremely uneven and nonsensical between player and AI. The AI could magically produce an infinite number of ships for each of their planets, and you only ever have one and then ships that you got from allies. They literally would always have a defense fleet for every single planet AND numerous attacking fleets.
During the entire game you make one ship. In order to make the game playable they made it so your ship eventually becomes overpowered as hell and they just have a million weak ships.
Stupid as hell. And yeah the creature stage was way too simple that can't be stressed enough. They basically said post-release that at one point in time you could have creatures that had a 1% difference in speed because of the different parts combined with the actual skeletal structure of the creature. They decided to make none of the physical aspects matter other than visually and to take away that amount of differential detail because of some bullshit excuse like 'you'd end up running away from a predator forever if you couldn't fight it'. Which is just jargon for 'it was too complex for who we were marketing it to, so we casualised the fuck out of it'. I'm sure that wasn't the sole reason, and that kind of thing could have been easily avoidable with a number of different variables, like flight, more varied and unique offensive/defensive abilities, and having your own pack to run back to in times of danger.
And playing friendly involved dancing games. So fuck that.
Never checked out the expansions though, did any of them fix the fleet issue?