The night after the Kremlin is stormed and the Soviet revolution led by Aleksander Romanov is defeated, a dinner is held for President Dugan and the top generals who were pivotol in the Allied success, the President is contacted by the psychic, fugitive former advisor to Premier Romanov, Yuri. He informs the Americans of his plan to mind control the enitire planet with his network of devices, the Psychic Dominators, which are spread across the globe. As it turned out, while the Alliance had been occupied with the Russian uprising, Yuri and his psychic corr had been building an arsernal of their own, comprised of psychic manipulating and genetic mutating weapons. Moments before the devices are activated, the one in San Fransisco was disabled and that one state was left free from the clutches of Yuri.
The Allies leading scientist, Dr. Albert Einstein, comes up with a plan to alter the recent events. He has built a time machine, with which the USA plan to travel back in time with. Almost ten years old, and Red Alert 2/Yuri's Revenge is still one of the best game(s) going.
Varied, rich in detail, well scripted, beautifully cast in choice of actors and voice talent, and enough fun that it won't matter 'till daddy takes the T-Bird home. One of the easy terms most use to describe Yuri's Revenge is 'campy.' Well, the game certainly has a wonderful sense of humor, is off the wall, and doesn't take itself seriously, one of the reasons why the game is so wonderful. While 'campy' isn't incorrect, as the meaning basically boils down to self-parody, the description doesn't do this game justice, because often 'campy' connotes tastelessness, and sometimes vulgarity.
If a property doesn't take itself seriously and is so imaginative and well done as to create a world of its own, 'campy' hardly pegs what Yuri's Revenge is about. But as inappropriate as 'campy' is, another word that many fans wrongly use to describe Yuri's Revenge is really rather unfair and well, cheesy. Yes, 'cheesy' is that word, and it means 'Of poor quality' and 'shoddy.' (Some synonyms are 'chintzy,' 'crummy,' 'sleazy,' and 'cheap.' ) That means Yuri's Revenge is the exact opposite of 'cheesy'! What a pity the demise of the company and personnel that was behind this level of excellence has meant an end run to the series. (Evidently C&C continues, but it has become a whole different animal.).
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