Upin & Ipin is an animated television series of children were released on September 14, 2007 in Malaysia and aired on TV9. The series is produced by Les' Copaque. Initially the film aims to educate children, now, Upin & Ipin own eight seasons running. This application is made to the series Upin Ipin lovers can entertain and educate children well, especially education on how to play, pray, and other education. Somoga series Upin Ipin lovers can menikamtinya well, please give Rating and Komen so that we can improve this application. This application is a collection of Video Upin Ipin are collected into the app, so that children do not have to bother looking. Information: 1.

These applications are ad 2. All media / picture / songs are copyright of the copyright holder 3. This video is from youtube 4.


Internet Streaming.

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KOLEKSI VIDEO UPIN & IPIN-NOTE: This is an unofficial app and is not endorsed by Les' Copaque.This app is an easy way to watch Upin & Ipin videos from the Les' Copaque Youtube Channel. Simply select the season required and you will be presented with a list of the available episodes.

Click on the episode you want to watch to enjoy the video.This app is just an easy way to watch Upin & Ipin videos.-1. The Mp3s & Videos are Meant for Promotional Purposes Only and Their Sole Copyright Rests With Their Respective Audio Music Company!2. Buy Original CDs & DVDs to Support Your Favorite Artists!3. These application Never Hosts Mp3 & Videos Files!4.!!!!DISCLAIMER!!!! This app just provides links to access the videos in an organized way and we are not responsible for any copyright issues as the app gives access to YOUTUBE videos and other links AVAILABLE ON PUBLIC DOMAIN as is.