Note: Western Digital always recommends updating your to the latest available service pack prior to installation of the drive. Make sure your PC has been fully started and Windows is running. Connect the supplied USB or FireWire cable to the Passport drive.
Connect the Passport drive to your computer with the USB/FireWire cable. The picture below shows how to plug the drive into your computer. You will see Windows automatically install drivers for the Passport drive. Once the drivers have been installed, the Passport drive will be listed as a new drive letter under My Computer. Note: If Windows has an error installing the drive then you may need to try it on another computer to make sure that the drive is working properly. If the drive does not work on other computers, and you have also tried another data cable, it is probable that the drive has been damaged or has failed, and should be replaced. If the drive installs properly and you don't get an error, but the drive is not showing up in My Computer or Windows Explorer, then you may need to format the drive for Windows.
Please see the following Knowledge Base articles for assistance. If you still have problems with the drive then you can. USING A POWER BOOSTER CABLE The My Passport drive is USB or Firewire bus and does not require a separate power supply.
A Power Booster Cable (Not currently available for My Passports using the USB Micro connection) may be needed if you are using any of the following:. A laptop computer that has limited bus power. USB cable that is longer than 18 inches (22 inches for Passports manufactered prior to 2007). USB hub (we do not support any type of USB hub). The older Silver Passport may only function properly if you power it with the optional power supply.
If you decide to use a third-party USB cable to connect the drive to the computer, the cable may not be able to transfer enough power to the drive (This includes USB 'reel' cables and extension cables). Our Accessories page offers an optional power supply for the older Silver Passport, and the optional Power Booster cable (the Power Booster cable has two USB connectors that plug into two USB ports on the computer). In case the answer did not answer your question, you can always visit the for help from WD users.
RECOMMENDED: A couple of years ago, during the days of Windows XP and Vista to be precise, we all used to use traditional CDs and DVDs to install Windows operating system. Post the release of Windows 7 Beta in January 2009, a number of tools started appearing on the web to that help you. Microsoft also released an official tool, a few weeks before the release of Windows 7 RTM to the public, called to help end users create bootable Windows 7 USBs from ISO image files. Tools like and are capable of creating bootable USB compatible with both tradition BIOS and new UEFI systems. But there might be situations where you have Windows 10/8.1/7 ISO file but don’t have a USB drive to prepare and install/re-install Windows from a USB drive. Thankfully, Windows 7, Windows 8/8,1, and Windows 10 can be installed from your phone’s memory card as well. These days, almost all of us own at least one smart phone and most of these smart phones, barring iPhone, support Micro SD memory cards.
So finding a memory card isn’t a hard task, and since all of us carry our phones everywhere, we can quickly move the SD card data to a PC, prepare the bootable memory card, and then install Windows from the memory card. In this guide, we will show you how to create bootable Micro SD memory card and use it as the bootable media to install Windows 10/8.1/7 from the same. Follow the given below instructions to prepare your Windows 10/8.1/7 bootable Micro SD card and then install Windows 10/8.1/7. Preparing Windows 10/7/8.1 bootable memory card is fairly a simple job and you need to follow the same procedure that you followed to create Windows 8.1 bootable USB drives.
NOTE 1: Memory cards, other than Micro SD, can also be used to prepare bootable media and then install Windows from it. NOTE 2: Before using the Command Prompt to prepare the bootable media, I tried the popular Rufus tool to make memory card bootable but it failed. Other similar tools out there might help you in preparing the bootable memory card but we’re going to use the 100% working instructions provided in our how to guide to prepare Windows 8.1/10 bootable memory card. Making your Micro SD memory card bootable Procedure: Step 1: Remove the Micro SD memory card from your phone and attach it to your PC either using built-in or an external memory card reader. Step 2: Back up all data from your memory card to a safe location, as we’re going to format the memory card which will erase all data from the card.
Step 3: Open elevated Command Prompt. To open the Command Prompt with administrator rights, type CMD in the Start screen or Start menu, and then simultaneously press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys.
You can also refer to our how to open Command Prompt as administrator for detailed instructions. Step 4: In the elevated Command Prompt, execute the following commands: Diskpart Press Enter key. List Disk Press Enter key. Notice the disk number of your memory card.
For example, in the above picture, my memory card’s disk number is 1. Step 5: Next, type the following commands one after another and press Enter key after tying each command. Select Disk 1 In the above command, replace “1” with your memory card’s disk number that you have obtained in Step 4. Clean Create Partition Primary Select Partition 1 Active Format Fs=NTFS Quick Assign Exit Don’t close the Command Prompt yet. Step 6: Next, mount your Windows 10/8.1/7 ISO file to get a drive letter for the mounted drive.
If you’re on Windows 8/8.1, right-click on the ISO file and then click Mount. And if you’re on Windows 7, please go through our guide for detailed instructions. Step 7: Execute the following three commands: G: Cd Boot Where “G” is drive letter of the mounted ISO file Bootsect.exe /NT60 F: In the above command, replace “F” with the drive letter of your Micro SD memory card. You can now close the Command Prompt. Step 8: Finally, copy all files (including hidden, if any) from the virtual drive (ISO file mounted drive) to your memory card. Your bootable Windows memory card is now ready.
Step 9: Turn on the PC on which you would like to install Windows from the bootable memory card, connect the bootable memory card, boot into BIOS or UEFI, re-arrange the boot order to bootable from memory card/USB and restart the PC to see Press any key to boot from CD/DVD message on the screen. Press any key to begin loading necessary files and installing Windows 10/8.1/7 operating system. NOTE: Should your PC doesn’t show memory card in the BIOS/UEFI and doesn’t support booting from a memory card, you can put back the memory card (after preparing the bootable one) into your phone, connect the phone to your PC using a supported cable and then restart your PC to boot and install Windows. It worked on our PC, at least.