I would appreciate knowing where I could get a trial version Matrix 3D We recently, at work, got a Revo Mill, which ships complete with computers, Rhino, Matrix 3d (a rhino add on), and the rest of the toys for a turnkey system. Thing is, using this toy is the job of my boss (who of course is the one who bought it), and our wax carver, a gal who’s delighted to now be learning this neat tool which presumably will either never get another wax model crooked, or which will at least give her a good excuse to point to (boss machined it wrong or computer mucked up. Not her, of course ) But in any case, here this thing hums away in the back, and I’m in the front workshop doing traditional platinum and gold smithing the old way, and feeling a bit envious. So I wondered out loud whether there was a trial version of Matrix I could get to load up at home, so I could learn this too. The regular version won’t run without the hardware dongle, and isn’t anywhere close to my budget anyway.
Even with our new machine being fully supported by the manufacturer, and having a decent excuse to ask for a trial version just for employee training on a different computer so as not to tie up the one running the mill system, so far as I know, the answer is no, not available. Peter- I have been a Matrix user from the very start, actually prior to its first version release along with a few others that pop in and out of Orchid from time to time. Matrix is built on top Rhino software by McNeel and Associates. If you go to you can find a link to download a timed trial version that will get you started.
Learning to model in 3d is time consuming and requires concentration and being open minded to adapt to the world of 3d on a computer- Matrix is a great tool to have and to use. Matrix enables users to save time and trying to have to figure out how to create certain steps in 3d. If you want to render what you create in Rhino, in near photo realistic quality as opposed to shaded views, you will need to have Flamingo software as well. Also as a registered user of Matrix call Gem Vision and they can steer you towards their private forum where you can get help and info from all the greats that are using Matrix. Good luck and have fun- Arthur Gordon. Richard, I am Kamal, VP of Vision numeric USA Inc, developer of the 3Design software.
To run your 3Design trial version, you do not necessarely need a network card, but you need to be connected to internet to be able to launch the software. Once the software is running on your computer, you are free to disconnect your internet if you want to. If you are turning off your software, you will need to connect to internet again to launch the software. The 3Design commercial license is protected by a security hardware (dongle), which we do not supply with the trial version that you downloaded. Instead, the software is protected by our server, which will grant you access to use 3Design. So you only need to be connected when you want to start 3Design. I see that you are located in the UK, so you might be interested to know that we have an office in the Jewellery Quarter in Birmingham.
I was myself running this office (in Coventry) for the last 5 years. Should you require further help, please feel free to contact Birmingham direct. Looking forward to hearing more from you, Very Kind Regards.
Kamal Bounouara. I found myself in a very similar situation, Peter. My employer and one of the other jewelers tool a training class in matrix. I downloaded the free demo of Rhino and began to fool around with it.
Before I knew it, I was doing drawings in 3D and they didn’t have the time to mess around with it. Since I showed a really strong aptitude for it, I have since taken the basic matrix course and am now the only guy in our shop that is actually producing models and making pieces using the software. Where there is a will, there is a way!!! Peter, I know that a lot of people love the power that Matrix has instantly given them, but the program that is doing the work is Rhino. Matrix is just a plug-in. I have been told that it resides on a 1.44M disk.
Imagine spending a few thousand dollars for a program that fits on a floppy Someone correct me if that is wrong. The training manuals for Rhino are a free download and there is a mountain of help. In my SQHO, learning Rhino will give you more control over your product in the long run. Holmgrain JA Certified Master Benchjeweler Goldwerx. The free download of Rhino only allows a certain amount of saves.
The advantage to Matrix, if you are in the business to make money, is speedonce you have begun to climb out of the bottom of the learning curve. Just like a laser investment, the fact that you can now produce a jewelry object that was previously not possible due to your limitations, the cost of the software and the hardware keys to get a few people using the program could possibly be offset in a short time.
And the idea of having a virtual inventory that can be adapted to a particular clients needs seems to me to be quite valuable. We have done about $50K worth of custom work since October 05(How’s that for learn while you earn?). All this coupled with the fact that I am suffering more and more with arthritis in my fingers makes me grateful that this opportunity has come along for me!
Bruce, You were wrongly informed. If you had ever learned to use Matrix you would agree that the statement “Rhino will give you more control in the long run” is absurd. Matrix is maximized for jewelry design, Rhino is not. A good, well-trained user in Rhino can make a size 9 man’s signet ring, let’s say six-sided top, stretched along the finger a little and a domed, tapered shank in 15 -20 minutes I change to a different size or shape or taper, or whatever will require that you begin anew in Rhino, too.
In Matrix, a new user can make the same ring in less than one minuteand modifications in a few seconds. Soin the time a skilled Rhino user can make one ring, a matrix user can make a dozen or moreeasily. Many folks have “graduated” from Rhino to matrix. This does not make Rhino a poor programit is excellent.
But if time is worth money, Matrix earns its keep quickly. ArtCam like wise can accomplish things in a very speedy fashion and is priced similarly to Matrix. It has features that are lacking in Matrix, and vice versa. Like choosing any tool, a potential user should get a full demonstration from a knowledgeable person and choose the tool based on their in-house needs and future plans. If these programs did not offer financial advantages to their users, well, they wouldn’t get purchased. Yes, Matrix is a plug-in for Rhino. It runs on Rhino code and yet the programmers at Gemvision have written many, many sub-routines that put some speed in the process, and many routines that Rhino cannot do and never will be able to do.
I have no financial or other connection to any of the manufacturers involved here, but as a beta tester for early Rhino, a beta tester for Matrix, and a 2 year stint as Sales manager for Gemvision (I no longer have any connection), I know a little bit about how they work and what they can do. I’m sorry if I bristle a little when someone with no experience in something voices false It’s not fair to those who are looking for new tools and not fair to the manufacturers. Holmgrain: Matrix is just a plug-in.
I have been told that it resides on a 1.44M disk. Imagine spending a few thousand dollars for a program that fits on a floppy. Someone correct me if that is wrong. OK you asked for correction, so here it is. First the program resides on a CD.
This CD installs the program which consists of the following files: Config - 5.18 MB Environment Maps - 1.21 MB Styles - 2.35MB Matrix.exe - 16.4MB Demos - 75.0MB Library - 74.3MB Plugins - 936KB Render Backgrounds - 3.93MB Docs - 119.0MB Materials - 79.2MB Profiles - 12.7MB Temp - 97.1KB Unless I am mistaken this equals slightly over 391 MB of program which would require 272 floppys (1.44MB) to hold all of this I THINK that is a lot more than the one disk you mentioned in your post. The fact that you identified Matrix as a Plug In is factual And Gold is just an “element”.
I very happily gave Gemvision slightly over 6K for it. I also gave them $1300 for each update. And I am a person who does not part with any of my cold hard cash without demanding a LOT of value for my money. Additionally, I will fight to be one of the first in line to give them even more money when they bring out any new updates. Trust meit was one of the best investments and business/career decisions that I have ever made. It has made me quite a bit of money and provided me with a lot of work that I would have never gotten without the ability that the program gave me. To say that it gives the Rhino user “power”, as another person posted here, is an understatement.
There is nothing on the market that does ALL of the things that it does. Tech-Gems (also a “Plug-in”) will give you many of the same functions that Matrix will, but there is a VAST difference. I have a copy of Tech-Gems so I think I am qualified to comment on that comparison too. Another misconception posted here (not by you) is that there is a Matrix Demo disk.
There is no such disk. The only way to get a Matrix demo is at a show, by a salesperson, who will come to visit you, or via an internet connection with Gemvision via “go to my PC” (or some similar program)or from a satisfied user who will probablly be willing to spend an entire day with you demonstrating it if he/she feels that you really are interested in the program. Matrix users are a very friendly group and just love to get together and play. I spent some time this morning helping a competitor with a ring that was giving him some problems.
Hopefully, this will provide you with the “Correct” that you requested. If you have any further questions I would be happy to answer them, if some of the other users on here don’t do it first.